Frequently Asked Questions

  • Register free and get verified
  • Once Verified, you receive FREE Locker Address (Warehouse address) and Locker Number
  • Shop online stores in our location countries and use your Locker address  as Delivery address. 
  • We receive on your items and notify you.
  • You make payment for shipping to Nigeria
  • we deliver to you in Nigeria.

You can shop on any online store in the US, UK and China. Y

Sure, our personal shopper service assist customers to source and shop any products you desire. We will then ship to your delivery address.

  • Contact us via any of the following-, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, etc
  • Provide details of what you are shipping.
  • Our team will provide you with a total shipping cost.
  • Drop off the package at our Lagos office or schedule a pickup.
  • Package arrives our warehouse, we will package it professionally and create shipping invoice for you.
  • Make payment and your package will be delivered with 3 to 5 business days.

The list of prohibited items can be found here 

Items rarely get mission or damaged. However, if there is such occurence, you are covered to the tune of how much you declared and insured.

General Questions

You can pay online using your bank cards of make payment via transfer.

There is no limit to what you can ship with us. We ship as little as envelope and as big and heavy duty cranes

You can import from US, UK, China and any other country of the world.